at GRASSI Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

What an honour to be part of the exhibition Futures. Material und Design of Tomorrow, curated by Sabine Epple and Silvia Gaetti, with a new and roomified edition of Making Oddkin, a project exploring the idea of a multi species flatshare. The exhibition is on until 24th of August 2025!

I’m grateful my participation was supported by the following institutions:

Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKOES)
Bildrecht GmbH

during Circular Week Tirol at
Reich für die Insel Art Space

What an honour I was invited by WEIS RAUM Designforum Tirol to present my design and research projects around the fashion industry during Circular Week Tirol 2024 at the so called Kubus in the Center of Innsbruck. The exhibition will open on the 25th of September and is on until the 29th. Find the program here!

The exhibition format was created as part of the INTRA project From Toxic Textile Troubles to Fabulous Fibre Futures. Circular Week Tirol is initiated and commissioned by the Standortagentur Tirol.


While microplastics from our clothing have long been found on top of the Himalaya, most of the sheep's wool in Europe goes to waste. Can we even consume sustainably at all or do we need to radically rethink the sector's fundamental economy? The interactive exhibition provides a critical look at our material legacies in times of fast fashion and makes alternatives to prevailing production paradigms tangible in a playful way.


at UniBz, Museion and Fablab in Bozen-Bolzano

Together with my dear colleague and performance artivist Nina Sandino we were invited to further critically examine the eco-social impact of the textile industry with creative methods of engagement. The international conference Fashion for Future Bolzano, as part of the transnational initiative Fashion Revolution Week, provides a vibrant forum to discuss the material legacies of, but also hopeful alternatives for the prevalent production paradigms in fashion industry.

Fashion for Future Bolzano took place between 20th-24th of April 2024 and is a cooperation format of various organizations and initiatives, such as the Free University of Bolzano, Fashion Revolution Italy, the Clean Clothes Campaign and the OEW.

We are grateful our participation in the format was supported by the following institutions:

University of Applied Arts Vienna
Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKOES)
Austrian Cultural Forum Milan
European Union (Goethe Institute)

with Making Oddkin in Brno

I am very happy I can present the project Making Oddkin at SIEF Congress, the annual conference organized by the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. This years theme goes by the title Living Uncertainty and I have the pleasure to present my project in the panel More-than-human care in & of (un)certain homes.

"Major crises triggered by environmental disasters, climate change, economic upheavals, and devastating wars all hold many lessons and offer tactics for dealing with and coping with suddenly emerging complications. And so, we ask, what are the everyday practices of coping with uncertainty?"

I am very grateful my participation in the format is supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague.

at Spazio Sirtori during Milan Design Week

We had the pleasure to show the first prototype of One Sheep for a Lifetime in the form of an interactive exhibition during Milan Design Week. Visitors were asked to imagine having only 1kg of sheep's wool a year avaible for their clothing.

image © Walter Aigner

The project was developed within the transnational partnership program WORTH by the European Union and was made possible with friendly support by:

University of Applied Arts Vienna (INTRA program)
Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKOES)
Austrian Cultural Forum Milan

Plant Fever
at Museum für Gestaltung

In the beginning of december the 2nd edition of the exhibition Plant Fever opened at Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich. This time I had the pleasure to take a look myself and also spend some time with the curators Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts from Studio Dots!

"Conceived and curated by studio d-o-t-s, Plant Fever is an invitation to look at plants with renewed curiosity and discover their hidden potential. Highlighting the work of contemporary thinkers and practitioners, the project wishes to act as a catalyst for new design scenarios that favour more profound relationships between humans and the vegetal realm."

Studio Dots,
curators of Plant Fever

first image © Alexandra Fruhstorfer
other images
© Pierre Kellenberg


I'm very proud I got nominated for the Ralph Saltzman Prize, even though I didn't get the prize in the end, I'm still happy I was among some inspiring folks 🙂

Also if you scroll down you can read about me in a Financial Times article 😉

"This particular prize is for a product designer working in or across products, furniture, textiles or technology. We are defining ‘emerging’ as a practising designer within five years of leaving education or within five years of setting up a business. We look for people who are making a mark on product design, be it through innovation, sustainability or cultural re-evaluation."

Justin McGuirk,
Chief Curator of the Design Museum

CIS Tecnoloxía e Deseño

We are more than pleased that Transitory Yarn is part of the Archive of Vibrant Matter "a dynamic collection of artefacts, materials, living organisms, matter and transformative practices". Initially developed during Porto Design Biennale the archive, that is also a digital format open to contributions from all citizens, travelled to CIS Technology and Design, a public body belonging to the Galician Innovation Agency.

Images © Porto Design Biennale

at SULUV Gallery

What a pleasure to show our collaborative work at SULUV Gallery in Novi Sad (Serbia) between 25th of October and 05th of November. Visitors were invited to explore our Alien universe “in real” - YAY!

The project, that was initially created in collaboration with the Angewandte Innovation Lab in Vienna is kindly supported by

at Fabrikraum

For 10 days visitors had the chance to drop by our first Alienexpress webshop popup store to get a glimpse into a busy working day at our office and packing station. Next to wrapping up Dodo Eggs, and packing up furniture for more than human species we gave insights into the most pressing questions and feedback from our customers.

It was such a pleasure to work again with my colleagues Solmaz Farhang, Ege Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner and Andrea Palašti!

during Vienna Biennale for Change

I had the pleasure to talk about our ideas revolving around circular and non-circular design at the conference Planet Matters at the Architekturzentrum Vienna during the Vienna Biennale for Change next to many other fantastic designers, artists, researchers and initiatives. Very much enjoyed the conversations about circularity in design!

You can rewatch it here! (starting at 36:00)

at Museum of Applied Arts Vienna

Yay! I’m super happy I was invited to contribute a Blog Post to the MAK Design Lab Blog. If you want to know why living with a sheep would be a good idea or how to captivate toxic textile fibres for eternity - give it a read!

Still very grateful that our project Transitory Yarn is part of the MAK Design Lab curated by studio mischer'traxler and Marlies Wirth.

at Casa do Design during Porto Design Biennale

For this year’s Design Biennale in Porto I was commissioned to conceptualize a participatory workshop format thinking about textile vibrant matter. Together with my partner in crime Secil Ugur Yavuz and locals from Porto and Matosinhos we captivated some toxic microfibres to be archived in the Museum of Vibrant Matter.

"The Museum of Vibrant Matter, inspired by Jane Bennett’s book, Vibrant Matter, asks us to pay attention and attune to our local biological, technical and hybrid materialities as an act of care towards ourselves, other living things, our soils, water and geology."

Alastair Fuadluke,
curator of the exhibition

video by Bruno Mesquita

at CID Grand Hornu

I am delighted Menu from the New Wild is part of Plant Fever, an exhibition exploring the hidden potential of plants and advocating a phyto-centered approach to design. Plant Fever is curated by Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts of studio d-o-t-s and takes place in CID Grand Hornu in the south of Belgium.

In an Instagram Live-Talk with studio d-o-t-s via plant_fever you can get a glimpse of some of the stories and processes behind the project!

The format was kindly supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum in Brussels.

Images © Tim Van de Velde

at Lendhafen

The interdisciplinary panel discussion entitled "How do we want to work?" invited a broad audience to think about possible design strategies for the future of our world of work in times of automation and digitalisation.

Design comerade Lisa Hofer and me initiated this panel within the frame of the Zukunftsamt der Arbeit - to highlight the potential of participatory design research formats as a transformative tool within politics and policy. For more information visit werschafftdiearbeit.at

within Die neue Stadt - von der Utopie zur Realität

During our interactive exhibition Zukunftsamt der Arbeit we were invited by Radio Helsinki to talk about the future of work with Martin Dopler - and it was a pleasure!

The musical conversation was held in german - listen to the talk HERE!

at Radio Ö1

We had the pleasure to welcome journalist Sylvia Andrews from the Ö1 format Digital.Leben at the Zukunftsamt der Arbeit!

"For Digital.Leben, technology is interesting when it has the power to change a society, to give a new face to living together or to threaten our freedom. In this sense: the digital world as a cultural phenomenon."

(freely translated from oe1.orf.at/digitalleben)

Sept/Oct 2020

with Wer schafft die Arbeit?! at Lendhafen / Graz

I'm very grateful design comerade Lisa Hofer and me were allowed to present the outcomes of our Workshops in spring within the interactive exhibition and workshop space Zukunftsamt der Arbeit (future office of work) during Graz Kulturjahr 2020 at Lendhafen in the centre of Graz.

In this different kind of office there is space for experimentation and conversation. The audience was invited to say a solemn farewell to unloved professions and to decide democratically which ones they wouldn’t want to be vanished from humans hands. But what could work actually mean? In collective investigations the uncertainties surrounding the implications of automation and digitisation were approached in many small and experiential steps.

In imaginary explorations, unprecedented job profiles, extraordinary services and novel products did emerge - ideas that do not only tell stories of survival, but of thrival!

Stay tuned for further events and workshops in 2021 via werschafftdiearbeit.at!

podcast Invasive Spezies - Aliens unter uns

Invasive-species-colleague Lena Violetta Leitner and me were invited to a podcast format by the postcoronal LAB.
We had the pleasure to converse with Sabrina Brühn about possible more-than-human futures in post-coronal times.

"The corona crisis is an environmental crisis. It is only because of our megalomaniacal relationship with the planet, the unprecedented international interconnectedness (both digital and analogue) and the resulting loss of biodiversity, ecological stress factors, historical air pollution and continuing shrinking of non-human habitats that a viral problem of this magnitude could develop. [...] In the age of the sixth mass extinction we too must reposition ourselves in the face of the increasingly difficult living conditions on a planet in the insidious catastrophe of climate collapse." (freely translated from postcoronal.org)

with Time's Up

I am very delighted I'm allowed to join Tina Auer and Tim Boykett from Time's Up as a research assistant within their PEEK project Curiouser and Curiouser, cried Alice (CCA) in cooperation with the department of Design Investigations (University of Applied Arts Vienna), led by Anab Jain. Time's Up is a laboratory for the construction of experimental situations based in the harbour of Linz in Austria.

"Curiouser and Curiouser, cried Alice is a research project about curiosity and futures and about how we might make physical narratives a tool for experiential futures." Time's Up

I am very happy I'm allowed to expand my expertise in "experimental and experiential futuring" within the inspiring environment of Time's Up and hope I can also bring some valueable thoughts and ideas to the table. Stay tuned for a symposium we are working on happening in autumn of 2021 and stop by Time's Up's Loose Diary from time to time!

with Making Oddkin

Yay! I feel superhonored my project Making Oddkin was awarded a price at the Creatives for Vienna Competition hosted by Wirtschaftsagentur Vienna.

From 27th of July until the 16th of August the audience is invited to vote for their favourite project. Fingers crossed!

virtual Exhibition

We are very happy and grateful that we could realize our exhibition May I introduce: Alien in a virtual format.
Together with Lena Violetta Leitner I curated the project - hosted by the Angewandte Innovation Lab - on the one hand but also contributed a new artwork of mine: Making Oddkin - feel free to explore!

Visitors are invited to browse through our Alien Universes throughout 2020 and were encouraged to contribute to our interactive visitor area!

AILien Talks during Angewandte Festival

Within our AILien breakfast talks we talked with Solmaz Farhang, Margit Busch and biologist Markus Schmidt about collaborative practices between science and art. Designer Ege Kökel, philosopher and animal ethicist Judith Benz-Schwarzburg and my humble self conversed about multi species relationships. Last but not least artist Lena Violetta Leitner, media artist Andrea Palasti and cultural scientist Elena Messner talked about collaborative practices between the humanities and arts. If you missed the talks you can watch them here:

TALK 01 / von träumenden Fischen im Reagenzglas

TALK 02 / von Frauchen zu Herrchen: Wer ist hier das Haustier?

TALK 03 / Serbische Affen und Japanische Knöteriche

Workshops during Graz Kulturjahr 2020

Together with people from Graz we worked on livable scenarios for potential futures as working beings in an age of automation. It was magic to see how our long hours, days and weeks of preparation got filled with so much life during those 3 days!

Get a glimpse into the workshops at werschafftdiearbeit.at

during Graz Kulturjahr 2020

We are very happy and grateful that we can work on our idea for a participatory project revolving around our future understanding of "WORK" in times of automation and digitisation during the Graz Kulturjahr 2020 .

Within the project me and my design comrade Lisa Hofer work in collaboration with the Caritas Graz and the FH Campus 02 on formats to imagine alternative scenarios for our rapidly changing world of work. The Kick-Off event at started with a sneak peak into our workshops in March (sign up here)!

Find more details at werschafftdiearbeit.at

part of the Kick-Off Crowd with our partners from Tag.Werk, FH Campus 02 and Graz Kulturjahr 2020

during Vienna Biennale for Change

We are very happy and grateful that Transitory Yarn was included in the MAK Design Labor Collection at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The Design Lab was curated by mischer'traxler studio and Marlies Wirth (MAK) and opened during this years Vienna Biennale.

Transitory Yarn is a material and process that celebrates circular textile production while highlighting the potential of knitting technology in a tangible way.

at Ingenium Canada in Ottawa
and IDS show in Vancouver

I was invited by Marije Vogelzang to contribute to the exhibition 'Future Edibles', hosted by the Dutch Institute of Food and Design. A short excerpt from the DIFD website:

"The exhibition takes the visitor far into the future and looks back onto present day. By taking the liberty of stepping into a world of completely speculative scenarios, the visitor is removed from their daily reality and is allowed to think freely, unconnected to the boundaries of our time."

Menu from the New Wild will be part of the exhibition at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum from 27th April - 2th September 2019, and at the IDS show in Vancouver from 26th to 29th of September.

at Schloss Hollenegg

Curator and design enthusiast Alice Stori Liechtenstein invited me to present my project Menu from the New Wild at the unbelievably beautiful Schloss Hollenegg.

"AD MENSAM will explore the table as a place where we come together, share food, behave, fight and reunite. The table as the setting for human interactions, a place where rituals play an important role in determining with whom we sit and how, instinctively and traditionally, the rules of sharing food get made."

at Triennale di Milano

From March-September this year we will be part of the exhibition "Broken Nature - Design takes on human survival" at the Triennale di Milano. The exhibition curated by Paola Antonelli highlights the concept of restorative design and studies the state of the threads that connect humans to their natural environments. Very happy to be part of it with Transitory Yarn!

supported by

with 1070 Unseen

For this years Vienna Design Week I collaborated with Kay Kender, Lisa Hofer and Johanna Pichlbauer on a social design project were we joined employees of Caritas Heimhilfe (help at home) on their tours to clients within the 7th district. During the 10 festival days we shared glimpses we collected from those characters hidden behind the facades of the district Wien-Neubau.

We are so happy we received the MEHRWERT DESIGNPREIS for the project, thank you Caritas, Erste Bank and Vienna Designweek!


at Schloss Eckartsau I Nationalpark Donauauen

I was invited to design an exhibition about the turbulent transition from the Austrian-Hungarian empire to the First Republic of Austria in Schloss Eckartsau in the Danubian Nationalpark. The exhibition goes with the title "Karl & Zita - im Schatten der Geschichte".

If you want to experience this episode in Austrian History in a more interactive way come visit, it is a 5-year exhibition open til fall 2023!

a work in progress image from the courtyard of the castle

showing Transitory Yarn

We were allowed to share our progress on our project and installation 'Transitory Yarn' at this years Maker Faire in the METAStadt in Vienna. Read about the project here. We were even featured on FM4 yay!

We really had to speed up our knitting for the ambitious audience - it's just unravelling so quickly...


3-day Film- and Fotoworkshop

From raccoons that adopt swan babies, to depressive Asian ladybirds to gray squirrels that integrate into the labor market.

I am very happy I was invited to conceptualize a storytelling workshop for students, called 'How to ethically kill a turtle' (click to get to know more about the project). Within this 3-day workshop students were encouraged to explore the ambiguous topic of how to deal with alien invasive species through film and photo techniques in a creative way. So much be said:



supported by

Jenny working on a squirrel

studio short film

I was invited to create a short film for the Exhibition "Ästhetik der Veränderung - 150 Jahre Angewandte" at MAK Vienna. The film offers a peak into the work we do in the Studio I've graduated from this year at the Angewandte. Our studio is called Industrial Design 2 but opens up a way broader term of what Design can mean.
The film is a meshup of the projects that emerged over the past years and a glimpse into the possible future the direction of the studio is heading at. It can also be interpreted as a kind of mission statement for the course.

also visit the new studio website!


Kunstfabrik Groß-Siegharts
with Transitory Yarn

We were invited by the Kunstfabrik Groß-Siegharts (somewhere in the Waldviertel) to present our project Transitory Yarn. The exhibition venue was part of an old textile and weaving factory. It is kind of in the middle of nowhere, but anyways very recommendable to visit. Many of the old machines are still intact and just awesome to watch while in action. We prepared an interactive performance, where visitors could try out our machines and dissolve and reknit garments.


during Dutch Design Week

I was invited to present my project "Menu from the New Wild" at the international Antenna conference during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. The Conference is organized by Design Indaba and is a format where a selection of 20 design graduates world wide had the possibility to present their latest work on stage. Super exciting! Follow the latest tweets on twitter or check on their facebook page!

guests having a taste of himalayan balsam